Audio CDs (Mp3) ---Bring the Study Notes to Life Multi-tasking has become your forte. Stay on track and retain the CFA material with Schweser Audio CDs, a natural fit in your daily routine All LOS are explained in detail. More than 20 hours of audio span the entire curriculum.   rofessional readers provide special attention to areas most critical to your exam success. Schweser Audio CDs reinforce your understanding of the CFA® curriculum while you are on a commute, at home, or in the gym.
如果需要,联系: 本处还有2007 CFA L2 Schweser PDF NOTES (原版与扫描的都有,原版支持金山词霸取词、扫描的可打印. NOTES 含QUESTION BANK与QUICKSHEET), 2007 CFA L2 Schweser PRACTICE EXAM BOOK 及即将到货的2007 CFA L2 Schweser SECRET SAUCE 谢谢!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-15 11:39:10编辑过] |