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标题: [LEVEL 1] 2007年6月CFA LEVEL 1 考试回顾专区 [打印本页]

作者: cfaspace    时间: 2007-6-2 10:11     标题: [LEVEL 1] 2007年6月CFA LEVEL 1 考试回顾专区


祝07年6月CFA LEVEL1 的全体CFA考生取得好成绩。。。

作者: ball00    时间: 2007-6-3 02:46


现在脑子一片空白,就记得 240题大概按32/32/24/68/72/12 分布的,上午出了不少犄角旮旯的题,尤其quantitative部分;port management很简单,都是port theory的内容;asset valuation也还可以,option-free bond/callable bond出了一堆,option之类的derivative很少,有点失望;financial statement analysis 洋洋洒洒68题,就1个字:烦。

很多题目题型都是一样的,自我感觉这次题目出的不是很好,也许是抽题库?那这题库效率也太低了。明天清醒点看能否回忆一下具体的题目~~。现在就记得cash flow, LIFO,tax这些反复出现的关键词,还有从头到尾的yes,no题,数字倒记得一个,0.0049, hehe, 是道根据SSR求SE的题。

第一次见识四五千人在一个hall里考,壮观啊,真后悔没拍下来,最后收卷都花了半小时。当时就想起Hally Potter里描写的考试场景,不过在Excel London少了点感觉,上次期末考在教堂地下,要点上几根火把就十足象了。跑题了~~ 刚看有人担心中午不供应饭,我们基本都是自己带的面包之类的,几个同学聊聊很快就过去了。习惯了中午12点开始上课,也没了午休的习惯了。

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-4 1:32:05编辑过]

作者: 喊喊    时间: 2007-6-3 04:33

考试了  但是什么都不记得了

作者: ivanwen    时间: 2007-6-3 13:58

Just finished, took it in San Francisco, the level one exam was harder then I expected, lots of concepts, might need to take it again in Dec. Good luck every one.

作者: EMHfrench    时间: 2007-6-3 17:18

yeah, i did it in Mesa, Arizona.

Hell a lot of conceptual question. I think the Ethics questions are sooo confusing. Then the econ questions.

Way more conceptual questions than I expected.

However, I think not too many people think they did well.

We will see.

作者: BeyondCFA    时间: 2007-6-3 20:07

I did it in LA. For me, the morning section is easy but the afternoon section is kind of tough. The question is long, tricky and confusing. I did see some similar questions in the materials I downloaded from here, but I don't remember which questions since my brain is blank now. I heard Level II this time is much easier but Level I is kind of more difficult. I also think not many people did very well this time for Level I. Maybe this is because CFA institution changes their CFA exam strategy, which means inceasing the difficulty of the entry level. lease pay more attention on ethics and read the notes carefully. If you understand & remember every concept in the notes, you will be fine. 

Anyway, good luck to everyone who took it this time. If we fail, we still have a chance to retake it this December -.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-3 20:13:16编辑过]

作者: BananaCo    时间: 2007-6-3 22:33

I just retook this exam....

Same sendiments as the original poster, I think the questions were not very well balanced and repeated topics seemed to come up in the afternoon section as well as the morning....

Not enough questions on options disappointed

Hopefully don't have to take it again this xmas

作者: seven_eric    时间: 2007-6-4 00:39

any know how to use SSR get SSE ??
作者: seven_eric    时间: 2007-6-4 00:39

any one know how to use SSR get SSE ??
作者: jenniferb    时间: 2007-6-4 00:44

man!the afternoon session sux! i dont know why the difficulty soars just all in a sudden~

i am not happy with my performance and almost run out of time while doing the 2nd session~

financial innovation? what the hell is that?? some new invention like stock or derivative?

and need to compare code law with common law??? is it a joke?anybody any idea to solve it?i just assume code law is much more restrictive and make an option based on my imagination.

some weird calculation questions i cannot find my answer among the 4 options and i waste a lot of time to clear memory and recomputer my answer but end up with nothing~ they look pretty straight forward and i am 100% sure about my methodology as i solved heaps of similar questions befoer but the mystery is u cannot solve it ~ i really feel like a fool at the moment... how to compute the share price with ROE and without retention rate? i had to skip and revisit all questions like that in the last 10 min and took a "reasonable" guess.

i personally dont like the exam,it is awful~~ 


作者: x-stephon    时间: 2007-6-4 00:46


作者: x-stephon    时间: 2007-6-4 00:53

After this exam, I will not disclose any portion of this exam and I will not remove any exam materials from the testing room in original or copied form. I understand that all exam materials, including my answers, are the property of CFA Institute and will not be returned to me in any form.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-4 1:10:07编辑过]

作者: ball00    时间: 2007-6-4 01:08

以下是引用x-stephon在2007-6-4 0:46:00的发言:


作者: jenniferb    时间: 2007-6-4 01:18

  maybe, but overall i am very upset that the exam uses sooo many terms which are never presented in notes~ where is the consistency?

if we never learn SML and it suddenly turns up in the exam, nobody would happy with that~

作者: ball00    时间: 2007-6-4 01:26

以下是引用jenniferb在2007-6-4 1:18:00的发言:

  maybe, but overall i am very upset that the exam uses sooo many terms which are never presented in notes~ where is the consistency?

if we never learn SML and it suddenly turns up in the exam, nobody would happy with that~

在institute的program curriculum里有

作者: jenniferb    时间: 2007-6-4 01:29


wonder who got time to read that~

Anybody who did so are very adorable~

作者: toddyum    时间: 2007-6-4 05:59

i took it in canada too yesterday, so it would be the last thing i wanna recall...

i guess so many weird concepts and twisted question are so developed that CFA institute would like us to pay some more to get the textbook to pass, and get some money back from shwezer (coz the notes seems no longer work well...)

作者: zzx981042    时间: 2007-6-4 10:35

作者: ivanwen    时间: 2007-6-4 12:36

Hi Jennifer, I do have the curriculum, but I didn't read them since I thought the notes was more concertrate and easier to read.  But this  level  1 exam  was  away out of my expectation. Just dont' feel good with that. Good luck!


作者: xqq1982    时间: 2007-6-4 13:22


作者: a03446    时间: 2007-6-4 13:42

Is it possible for CFAI to lower the threshold if the passing rate is too low?
作者: lsy84    时间: 2007-6-4 14:05

我是第一次考 觉得难度还可以吧 跟note的第6本差不多


下午精神比较差,而且难度的确也提高了,但还是提早15分钟做完了,不过有一些概念题不肯定,就像前面有人提到的code law什么的,根本没看过,ethic部分有些也比较模糊,计算方面就没碰到什么问题,基本都算得出来。总之我在做asset valuation的时候就已经开始有点神游了,最后那6题第1道就错了。。。我觉得下午精神好的话还可以再提高一点,不过总的来说觉得自己的发挥还过得去吧。。。


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-4 18:59:15编辑过]

作者: jenniferb    时间: 2007-6-4 16:03

i used to have the curriculum as well,

felt that they are incredible thick crap and i trashed them before i moved into a new house.

作者: young2046    时间: 2007-6-4 18:05     标题: 回复:(cfaspace)[LEVEL 1] 2007年6月CFA LEVEL 1 考...


作者: lsy84    时间: 2007-6-4 18:58


作者: asterix    时间: 2007-6-4 20:47







作者: Iideal    时间: 2007-6-4 20:56

Excel London。 觉得考场挺垃圾的,放东西的地方就是几排架子,一点不安全,一直担心笔记本电脑被人拿走,结果notes给人拿走了,还是一爱读书的贼,可怜我还想12月重考的时候用呢。。。

作者: where523    时间: 2007-6-4 21:58




[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-4 22:00:31编辑过]

作者: pruteus    时间: 2007-6-4 23:20     标题: Some questions from my memory

Took it in New York. Relatively simpler compared to ntoes 6 sample exams, particularly the morning session. Afternoon session is a bit harder but not that hard. Here are some questions in my memory.

Ethics is not too long so it's ok. We need only 50% to pass. Should be fine.

Quant: morning session is pretty straight-forward, conceptual questions, mostly focused on standard deviation and mean. And one question asking which test is used to test equality of variance - F-statistics. No probability at all. Questions are tricky in the afternoon though still mostly were conceptual questions. There was one question taking me much time. Assuming all variables are different, compare geometric mean, harmonic mean, and arithmetic mean. Arithmetic > Geometric > Harmonic

I didn't remeber too much of Econ. Only a question asking about technicially efficient, cross-rate exchange, exchange rate forward discount, contractionary monetary policy's influence on domestic currency-appreciation.

Accounting is simple, not much leases, not much off-balance sheet items.

Asset valuation had similar questions in the morning and afternoon. One question ask what's the after-tax borrowing rate for a company to keep P/E the same after borrowing debt to retire 4million dollar common stock? answer is dividend yield. The term was asked in the morning but the number was asked in the afternoon, while question was exactly the same. A couple of question about bond interest risk with various coupon, ytm, and maturity. growth rate calculation from ROE*Retention Ratio.

Portfolio management is simple. Questions were concentrating on SML, CML, and CAPM, such as position above the line for undervalued stock. And one question ask about price appreciation is mostly important to what kind of investor, "capital appreciation". This question was showed up both in the morning and afternoon without any change.

作者: w_man96    时间: 2007-6-4 23:56

在广州参加的一级考试。总体感觉难度比NOTES BOOK 6的难度低,如果把BOOK 6练的很熟的话问题应该不会很大。当然也有一些从来没有见过(或许是自己从来没有记住过)的题目,不过还好啦,半小时看一次时间,然后计算做题速度,紧赶慢赶还是把题目做完了。

作者: kinger36    时间: 2007-6-5 00:00

感觉没有前几楼说的那么难,比Notes 6容易多了,上午我做完还有一个小时,下午难度加大,不过做完还有半小时检查。题干没有notes的长,但有几题非常阴险,我几乎把全部选项都选了一次。



作者: Iideal    时间: 2007-6-5 00:00


作者: lsy84    时间: 2007-6-5 00:22

One question ask what's the after-tax borrowing rate for a company to keep P/E the same after borrowing debt to retire 4million dollar common stock? answer is dividend yield. The term was asked in the morning but the number was asked in the afternoon, while question was exactly the same.

I think the answer is earning yield,not dividend.

作者: fanghui78    时间: 2007-6-5 00:56


作者: tobylzx    时间: 2007-6-5 01:17



作者: x-stephon    时间: 2007-6-5 11:23

以下是引用lsy84在2007-6-5 0:22:00的发言:

One question ask what's the after-tax borrowing rate for a company to keep P/E the same after borrowing debt to retire 4million dollar common stock? answer is dividend yield. The term was asked in the morning but the number was asked in the afternoon, while question was exactly the same.

I think the answer is earning yield,not dividend.

I agree with u~[em17]
作者: sweiphy    时间: 2007-6-5 11:32


作者: a03446    时间: 2007-6-5 13:57

Earnings yield....hope its the right answer cos it accounts for 2 points
作者: applicatio    时间: 2007-6-5 18:22

很多题目题型都是一样的,自我感觉这次题目出的不是很好,也许是抽题库?那这题库效率也太低了。明天清醒点看能否回忆一下具体的题目~~。现在就记得cash flow, LIFO,tax这些反复出现的关键词,还有从头到尾的yes,no题,数字倒记得一个,0.0049, hehe, 是道根据SSR求SE的题。

这个好像是0.0039吧?30个月,求出来stand error是1.18%

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-5 18:28:48编辑过]

作者: applicatio    时间: 2007-6-5 18:34

One question ask what's the after-tax borrowing rate for a company to keep P/E the same after borrowing debt to retire 4million dollar common stock? answer is dividend yield. The term was asked in the morning but the number was asked in the afternoon, while question was exactly the same.

I think the answer is earning yield,not dividend.

同意!是earning yield

作者: sjzhqs    时间: 2007-6-5 19:45

took it in beijing .i agree with the above candidates' is earnings yield. you can check it in notes.there is an example.

god bless me and you too.

作者: sjzhqs    时间: 2007-6-5 19:46

earnings yield. you can find the example in notes.

god bless me and you too.

作者: sjzhqs    时间: 2007-6-5 19:51

我的做题速度没有那么快,我觉得时间刚刚好。比notes简单些,但是仅仅是因为看过了notes后面的题,而且大量复习了notes以后。所以不知道其本质难度,但是题目长度确实断了不少,提问方式确实不同。很怪的 问法。要求要对很多知识点都要掌握,不能 使用排除法做题。



作者: lsy84    时间: 2007-6-5 20:10


作者: asterix    时间: 2007-6-5 23:06

当然earning yield,notes上不写着呢么

作者: jenniferb    时间: 2007-6-5 23:34

this question has been discussed for 2 pages...

shall we talk sth else?

作者: hartzhou    时间: 2007-6-6 09:16

那题应该是earning yield
作者: hartzhou    时间: 2007-6-6 09:41


道德部分如果把 notes 里后面的40 道 concept checkers 做了,基本上就能搞定,我记得有两题几乎一模一样,只是换了个说法。其他的就记不起来了。

参加考试的人也挺多,也有很多人报了名不来的,我在 K section, 1/3的位子都是空着,上午题的时候考了不到1个小时,就有几个人起来交卷子走人再也不来拉。 下午题时我无意中瞅了眼左边那个兄弟,他的答案全部选的B, 然后就在那坐着等考试结束,强呀。

作者: jenniferb    时间: 2007-6-6 12:41

now a question comes to my mind....

when it says "40% of all candidates would pass the exam"

does it mean 40% of ALL registered candidates,

or 40% of the candidates WHO SAT FOR THE EXAM??? 

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-6 13:23:42编辑过]

作者: jenniferb    时间: 2007-6-6 12:56





[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-6 13:24:14编辑过]

作者: wlhdfirst    时间: 2007-6-6 14:50


作者: cyknight    时间: 2007-6-6 15:22

作者: nancy_youj    时间: 2007-6-6 16:33

for me it's the same, morning session is quite okay, but afternoon session is surprisingly tough. Many questions to choose yes/no...and the quantitative questions are not like I expected, many abstract judgement, instead of practical calculation, like TVM etc.
作者: jenniferb    时间: 2007-6-6 16:43

well, at the end of July we will surprisingly find the pass rate would go below 30% globally.

and then everybody would read the stupid textbook and help make accounting and economic profit for CFA institute

作者: jenniferb    时间: 2007-6-6 16:46


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-6 16:48:36编辑过]

作者: voyagelu    时间: 2007-6-8 12:18

以下是引用x-stephon在2007-6-4 0:46:00的发言:


作者: lshj82    时间: 2007-6-9 00:16

I feel the exam reasonably easy if you put into enough efforts. Why are you complaining so much? There aren't many outlandish concepts at all. You can't ask for that every concept on the exam paper to be exactly the same as in the note or the curricularm. The power of the CFA knowledge block lies under deep and comprehensive understanding of those concepts. And when their looks change, you should be able to distinguish and tell what is underneath.
作者: seven_eric    时间: 2007-6-9 14:49


I agree, then how to use SSR to get SEE, it doesnt show on the book

I remember SST = SSE + SSR and SEE = sqr[SSE/(n-2)]

作者: jenniferb    时间: 2007-6-9 15:01

以下是引用lshj82在2007-6-9 0:16:00的发言:
I feel the exam reasonably easy if you put into enough efforts. Why are you complaining so much? There aren't many outlandish concepts at all. You can't ask for that every concept on the exam paper to be exactly the same as in the note or the curricularm. The power of the CFA knowledge block lies under deep and comprehensive understanding of those concepts. And when their looks change, you should be able to distinguish and tell what is underneath.

ok, reasonably easy..dont forget to tell us ur result after u got it~

see how many 90% u can get~

i dont really understand why you feel the difficulty is "reasonable easy"

not only me but  quite a few students also complain the exam as i know

maybe u r from CFA institute or what~ i dont really know

but if u r a candidate who really took the exam and see what the questions like, it is really stupid to praise CFA and contribute all faults to candidates! 

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-9 15:13:39编辑过]

作者: whitneyang    时间: 2007-6-9 17:43

我觉得部分考题的提问方式英文理解起来很绕,跟我们做的sample 提问风格很不一样.因此需要花时间去理解.郁闷!


感觉自己过不了,如果有想12月再次take level I 的考友,欢迎跟我联系!

作者: x-stephon    时间: 2007-6-10 03:55

以下是引用voyagelu在2007-6-8 12:18:00的发言:


哈哈,我写的SSR指sum of squared residuals,也就是SSE

notes的SSR指sum of squares regression(方差可解释部分)

作者: lshj82    时间: 2007-6-10 12:04

We're talking about passing, not geting top 10% results. reasonably easy is only a comment for those who put reasonable efforts and expect to pass (not to get a cold medal). I'm just not comfortable seeing people complaining so much crap. Every candidate took the same exam. It's an equal opportunity for all. And if you really want to help improve the exam, go to the CFA website, they have special channel for it. Complaining here doesn't help at all.

作者: sjzhqs    时间: 2007-6-10 17:05

作者: lsy84    时间: 2007-6-10 23:15

以下是引用x-stephon在2007-6-10 3:55:00的发言:

哈哈,我写的SSR指sum of squared residuals,也就是SSE

notes的SSR指sum of squares regression(方差可解释部分)


作者: fansizhan    时间: 2007-6-15 20:26

i took the exam in sydney, running out of time both in the morning and afternoon... I can not remember what the questions are. Quite a few queestions (about 25 in both sessions) are completely out of my knowledge... honestly I myself not very happy with my performance...

作者: wissen    时间: 2007-6-21 00:18


感觉还行,比book 6简单,做模拟基本上做不完,考试上下午都提前15分钟,按道理应该能过


作者: yangjing82    时间: 2007-6-21 16:59



其实考的不难,就是很多问你YES OR NO的,经常只知道其中的一个,然后猜另外一个,概率50%


作者: tracylxn    时间: 2007-6-24 21:50

以下是引用pruteus在2007-6-4 23:20:00的发言:

Took it in New York. Relatively simpler compared to ntoes 6 sample exams, particularly the morning session. Afternoon session is a bit harder but not that hard. Here are some questions in my memory.

Ethics is not too long so it's ok. We need only 50% to pass. Should be fine.

Quant: morning session is pretty straight-forward, conceptual questions, mostly focused on standard deviation and mean. And one question asking which test is used to test equality of variance - F-statistics. No probability at all. Questions are tricky in the afternoon though still mostly were conceptual questions. There was one question taking me much time. Assuming all variables are different, compare geometric mean, harmonic mean, and arithmetic mean. Arithmetic > Geometric > Harmonic

I didn't remeber too much of Econ. Only a question asking about technicially efficient, cross-rate exchange, exchange rate forward discount, contractionary monetary policy's influence on domestic currency-appreciation.

Accounting is simple, not much leases, not much off-balance sheet items.

Asset valuation had similar questions in the morning and afternoon. One question ask what's the after-tax borrowing rate for a company to keep P/E the same after borrowing debt to retire 4million dollar common stock? answer is dividend yield. The term was asked in the morning but the number was asked in the afternoon, while question was exactly the same. A couple of question about bond interest risk with various coupon, ytm, and maturity. growth rate calculation from ROE*Retention Ratio.

Portfolio management is simple. Questions were concentrating on SML, CML, and CAPM, such as position above the line for undervalued stock. And one question ask about price appreciation is mostly important to what kind of investor, "capital appreciation". This question was showed up both in the morning and afternoon without any change.

And one question ask about price appreciation is mostly important to what kind of investor, "capital appreciation". This question was showed up both in the morning and afternoon without any change.
what is the answer? in the morning ,i chosed capital appreciation, but in the afternoon ,it seems that i didn't choose that one , i just forget. what is the correct answer? anyone know? 

作者: xnygr    时间: 2007-6-25 09:23

作者: z1w2x3z4    时间: 2007-6-28 09:46

学习学习 谢谢
作者: spaceship    时间: 2007-7-7 10:39



作者: shellswoo    时间: 2007-7-9 15:46

what's the after-tax borrowing rate for a company to keep P/E the same after borrowing debt to retire 4million dollar common stock?

Price/earning (P/E) =market value / net income

M1-4m/ net income- 4m*R = M1/ net income



a=z/x =net income/m1=1/PE=Earning YIELD

Earnings yield
The ratio of earnings per share, after allowing for tax and interest payments on fixed interest debt, to the current share price. The inverse of the price-earnings ratio. It is the total twelve months earnings divided by number of outstandingshares, divided by the recent price, multiplied by 100. The end result is shown in percentage terms. We often look at earnings yield because this avoids the problem of zero earnings in the denominator of the price-earning ratio. (BLOOMBERG)


作者: Mayfair    时间: 2007-7-29 19:43

作者: winnie    时间: 2007-7-30 09:41

作者: huangyunqi    时间: 2007-8-5 08:23



打算2008年考2级,不过9月份就要开始上班了,不像以前是学生,有很多时间。现在打印了2007年全套的notes, 开始复习了。还是早点报名好,拿到curriculum,看来考试的题目越来越多要从curriculum中出了。

作者: 沃特森    时间: 2007-9-27 13:41


作者: aguang903    时间: 2007-11-4 17:10

作者: 水模样    时间: 2007-11-5 21:36



作者: skydingke    时间: 2007-11-20 12:47 我有很近似的一级题,要的朋友就发邮件给我

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-20 12:47:54编辑过]

作者: longwo    时间: 2007-11-29 15:44     标题: Many thanks!

作者: helena09    时间: 2008-12-3 20:30


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