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CFAspace网~远程教育~网上课堂~2008年6月 CFA Level 1 课程安排

2008年6月CFA LEVEL 1 远程教育辅导课程详细列表 
Ethical and Professional Standards
Session 1:Ethical and Professional Standards 道德与行为准则 Reading 1: Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct 道德与职业行为准则
Reading 2: Guidance for Standards I – VII 职业行为准则I – VII指导
Reading 3: Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS.) and 全球投资业绩报告准则导论
Reading 4: Global Investment Performance Standards 全球投资业绩报告准则
Session 2:Quantitative Methods:Basic Concepts 计量方法:基本概念
Reading 5: The Time Value of Money 资金的时间价值
Reading 6: Discounted Cash Flow Applications 现金流量折现应用
Reading 7: Statistical Concepts and Market Returns 统计概念和市场收益
Reading 8: Probability Concepts 概率概念
Session 3:Quantitative Methods:Application 计量方法:应用
Reading 9: Common Probability Distributions 概率分布
Reading 10: Sampling and Estimation 抽样与推断
Reading 11: Hypothesis Testing 假设检验
Reading 12: Technical Analysis 技术分析
Session 4:Economics:Microeconomic Analysis 经济学:微观经济分析 Reading 13: Elasticity 弹性
Reading 14: Efficiency and Equity 效率与权益
Reading 15: Markets in Action 实际中的市场
Reading 16: Organizing Production 组织生产
Reading 17: Output and Costs 产出和成本
Session 5:Economics:Market Structure and Macroeconomic Analysis 经济学:市场结构以及宏观经济分析
Reading 18: Perfect Competition 完全竞争
Reading 19: Monopoly 完全垄断
Reading 20: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly 垄断竞争与寡头垄断
Reading 21: Demand and Supply in Factor Markets 要素市场的需求与供给
Reading 22: Monitoring Cycles, Jobs, and the Price Level 监视周期,就业与价格水平
Reading 23: Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand 总需求与总供给
Session 6:Economics:Monetary and Fiscal Economics 经济学:货币以及财政经济学 Reading 24: Money, Banks, and the Federal Reserve 货币,银行与联邦储备
Reading 25: Money,Interest,Real GDP,and the Price Level 货币,利率,实际GDP与价格水平
Reading 26: Inflation 通货膨胀
Reading 27: Fiscal Policy 财政政策
Reading 28: Monetary Policy 货币政策
Financial Statement Analysis   
Session 7:FSA:An Introduction 财务报告分析:导论 Preliminary accounting course*(see footnote)会计学预备知识
Reading 29: Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction 财务报表分析:导论
Reading 30: Financial Reporting Mechanics 财务报告机制
Reading 31: Financial Reporting Standards 财务报告准则
Session 8:FSA:The Income Statement,Balance Sheet,and Cash Flow Statement 财务报告分析:利润表,资产负债表,以及现金流量表
Reading 32: Understanding the Income Statement 理解利润表
Reading 33: Understanding the Balance Sheet 理解资产负债表
Reading 34: Understanding the Cash Flow Statement 理解现金流量表
Session 9:FSA:Inventories, Long-Term Assets,Deferred Taxes,and On- and Off-Balance-Sheet Debt 财务报告分析:存货,长期资产,递延税收,以及表内表外负债
Reading 35: Analysis of Inventories 存货分析
Reading 36: Analysis of Long-Lived Assets:
Part I—The Capitalization Decision 长期资产分析(I):资本化决策
Reading 37: Analysis of Long-Lived Assets:
Part II—Analysis of Depreciation and Impairment 长期资产分析(II):折旧与减值分析
Reading 38: Analysis of Income Taxes 所得税分析
Reading 39: Analysis of Financing Liabilities 债务融资分析
Reading 40: Leases and Off-Balance-Sheet Debt 租赁与表外负债
Session 10:FSA:Techniques, Applications,and International Standards Convergence 财务报表分析:技术,应用以及国际准则趋同 Reading 41: Financial Analysis Techniques 财务分析技术
Reading 42: Financial Statement Analysis: Applications 财务报表分析:应用
Reading 43: International Standards Convergence 国际会计准则趋同
Corporate Finance
Session 11:Corporate Finance 公司财务 Reading 44: Capital Budgeting 资本预算
Reading 45: Cost of Capital 资本成本
Reading 46: Working Capital Management 营运资本管理
Reading 47: Financial Statement Analysis 财务报表分析
Reading 48: The Corporate Governance of Listed Companies:A Manual for Investors 上市公司治理结构
Portfolio Management
Session 12:Portfolio Management 组合管理 Reading 49: The Asset Allocation Decision 资产配置决策
Reading 50: An Introduction to Portfolio Management 投资组合管理导论
Reading 51: An Introduction to Asset Pricing Models 资产定价模型导论
Session 13:Analysis of Equity Investments:Securities Markets 权益投资:证券市场 Reading 52: Organization and Functioning of Securities Markets 证券市场组织与运行
Reading 53: Security-Market Indexes 证券市场指数
Reading 54: Efficient Capital Markets 有效资本市场
Reading 55: Market Efficiency and Anomalies 市场有效性与异常
Session 14:Analysis of Equity Investments:Industry and Company Analysis 权益投资:行业与公司分析 Reading 56: An Introduction to Security Valuation: Part I 证券估价导论:I
Reading 57: Industry Analysis 行业分析
Reading 58: Equity: Concepts and Techniques 权益:概念与技术
Reading 59: Company Analysis and Stock Valuation 公司分析与股票估价
Reading 60: An Introduction to Security Valuation: Part II 证券估价导论:II
Reading 61: Introduction to Price Multiples 价格乘数导论
Fixed Income 
Session 15:Analysis of Fixed Income Investments:Basic Concepts 固定收益投资:基本概念
Reading 62: Features of Debt Securities 债券特征
Reading 63: Risks Associated with Investing in Bonds 债券投资风险
Reading 64: Overview of Bond Sectors and Instruments 债券板块与工具概览
Reading 65: Understanding Yield Spreads 理解收益级差
Reading 66: Monetary Policy in an Environment of Global Financial Markets 全球金融市场下的货币政策
Session 16:Analysis of Fixed Income Investments:Analysis and Valuation 固定收益投资:分析与估价
Reading 67: Introduction to the Valuation of Debt Securities 债券估价导论
Reading 68: Yield Measures, Spot Rates,and Forward Rates 收益衡量:即期利率与远期利率
Reading 69: Introduction to the Measurement of Interest Rate Risk 利率风险衡量导论
Session 17:Derivative Investments 衍生工具投资 Reading 70: Derivative Markets and Instruments 衍生工具与市场
Reading 71: Forward Markets and Contracts 远期合约与市场
Reading 72: Futures Markets and Contracts 期货合约和市场
Reading 73: Option Markets and Contracts 期权合约和市场
Reading 74: Swap Markets and Contracts 互换合约和市场
Reading 75: Risk Management Applications of Option Strategies 利用期权管理风险
Alternative Investments
Session 18:Alternative Investments 其它投资 Reading 76: Alternative Investments 其他投资


so  good


hope it will be a better one













